atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Helping to make your job search simpler and easier... and successful

As you set your employment goals and search for the right job for you, you may have questions along the way. Some of the questions we are commonly asked are included below. If you have a question that is not covered here, please call us on 1300 080 856 , complete our online enquiry form or contact us via the live chat on our website in business operating hours.

Employment services help Australians find jobs and stay in jobs. The Australian Government offers a range of these services at no cost, available through employment services providers like atWork Australia.

  • Workforce Australia is an Australian Government program to provide additional support to Australians looking for work; connecting them with employers who are looking for job-ready team members.
  • Disability Employment Services (you may also see these services referred to as DES) help people living with disability, injury or health conditions to find work and keep a job.
  • ParentsNext supports parents to be work ready when their child is school ready through career guidance, financial support to study and helping you reach your pre-employment goals.

Employment services are generally available if you get an income support payment, such as Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance, Disability Support Pension or Parenting Payment, and have mutual obligation requirements. Mutual obligations are certain things that you need to do in return for your payment, like look for work.

Your employment services provider will support you to identify the best approach to employment for your situation, taking into account your goals, family requirements, skills and capacity to work.

At atWork Australia, you are at the heart of what we do; we match our services to your goals and needs.

Each person is different, with different goals, skills and aspirations. That’s why you should look for an employment services provider that puts you at the heart of their services.

Your atWork Australia Job Coach will get to know you, and together you will map out a job plan. It may be that your first need to build skills and confidence. We can help you do that. Or you may be willing to dive straight in. We can help you with that too: supporting you with résumé building, job seeking support, employer recommendations, interview preparation and more.

Our flexible approach means we offer anything from training for new skills and qualifications, through to help with interview appropriate clothes, to psychological and other support should you need it.

We are able to support you in the best way to meet your employment goals.

atWork Australia is a leading employment services provider working with Australians across the nation. We empower you, supporting you to build better working lives.

To do that, we work with people to identify their goals and aspirations, build skills and job-readiness and support them through interviews and into employment – as well as work with prospective employers to ensure their needs are met.

Our approach is to support a person in the way that most helps them transform their life.

You can think of us like a sporting coach or personal trainer, only we coach you to meet your employment goals.

We’ll listen to your needs, and then work with you to create a plan to help you meet your goals. We’ll go at your pace, connect you with any training or other resources you may need, introduce you to great employers and continue to support you in the workplace in some cases. We’ll also make sure you’re prepared for each step of your plan.

Our service is at no cost to you. The Australian Government funds it to support Australians into work.

While you may be required to use an employment services provider, we’re here to support you, to advocate on your behalf to ensure you’re getting the right services for your individual situation and to meet your employment goals.

Our support is always tailored to your situation and needs.

Just a few examples of ways we may support you include:

  • Connecting you with training and new qualifications
  • Job search help
  • Interview preparation
  • Specialised support for people with mental health conditions
  • Counselling
  • Financial support for work related items or training
  • Support once you have the job to ensure you’re doing well
  • Letting our network of employers know about your skills and availability

Like everything we offer, to some degree this is centred on your needs and your own tailored job plan. When we first meet, tell us how you feel about work and how you want to approach your job search.

We will support you to job search straight away if that’s what you want. We can help you brush up your résumé, job search and interview skills – and start introducing you to employers. Our experience is that the more you network and approach employers, the faster you will gain the right job for you.

If you feel you need to build some skills first, that’s ok too. We will factor that into your job plan and support you to build confidence or qualifications or both.

We do. Our employment consultants offer specialised and culturally appropriate employment support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through all our services.

Yes. Research shows that, in most cases of mental health issues, work is good for you. Work can help you to recover or manage long-term mental health conditions. We offer a specialised service that supports you to find the right role for you.

Workforce Australia is an Australian Government program that will provide enhanced services and support for job seekers looking for work. Connecting those people with employers looking for eager and job-ready employees. You can read more at

Disability Employment Services (DES) help people living with disability, injury or health conditions to find work and keep a job.

These services are offered by organisations such as atWork Australia who are experienced in supporting people living with disability, as well as supporting employers to access the full talent pool.

You can also visit JobAccess to learn more about disability employment. JobAccess is a comprehensive, easy to use website and a telephone information service that provides advice on disability employment-related matters. It offers help and workplace solutions for people living with disability and their employers.

This will be based on your circumstances. Give us a call and we will be happy to help you determine which Australian Government program you are with and how we can best support you.

Please call 1300 080 856 or email

No, we are not.

Centrelink may have advised you to register with an employment services provider and that’s where the connection starts and stops. Once registered with us, our approach is to support you in the best way to help transform your life.

While employment is ideal, it may be that you cannot get work for reasons you cannot help… like employment downturns or that your circumstances do not allow it.

Your support from us continues. We’ll work with you to find another way or connect you to other health or community services you may require.

We will approach your job plan with you at a pace you feel comfortable with. It may be that you would benefit from training or gaining some other qualifications first. It may be that we connect you to community, health or counselling services.

Your plan is unique to you and your situation.

First, we congratulate you. Then we stay in touch. We check in with you and your employer to make sure all is going well. If you need further support from us, you’ll get it. Similarly, we offer further support to your employer.

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