atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Title - How to find your dream job while living with disability

If you’re reading this blog as you prepare to enter the workforce for the first time, or you’re already in the workforce, there is a high possibility that you still have several decades left in your working life. With the current retirement age at 65, we can only guess what it will be when your time comes around. So, that being said, if you’re going to be at work for such an extended period of your life, why not pursue a career you’re truly passionate about? Your dream job, a job that doesn’t actually feel like a job. Doesn’t that sound amazing!

Finding a dream job with a disability can be difficult. Even trying to identify a suitable career for people living with a disability is difficult. However, these two tasks are not just difficult for people with disability, it’s difficult for everyone. So, if you’re reading this blog hoping for you’re answer in a crystal ball, unfortunately, you’re reading the wrong blog! What you will find are some valuable tips and strategies so that when you couple this with hard work, determination, and a willingness to venture outside of your comfort zone, the list of opportunities will be endless and continue to grow. It is only through trying different experiences, taking chances, and exploring these different opportunities that your dream job will become a reality.

The good news is, atWork Australia are experts and incredibly passionate about supporting people who live with a disability, injury, illness or disadvantage to pursue their dream job. Read how atWork Australia supported Cameron to pivot his career, by taking his existing skills and exploring new opportunities.

Here are five tips that can support you on your journey to find your dream job:


1. Start by Understanding Your Strengths and Interests

The first step to kick starting your dream career is to identify your strengths and interests as well as identify the industries that you would love to work in. Remember, you’re looking for your dream job, so don’t be afraid to write down the careers that you truly dream about and ignore the people who tell you it’s not realistic. However, you need to be honest with yourself. If you dream of a career that requires a high level of education and many years at university, are you prepared to put in that effort? If your answer is, YES, then don’t let anyone tell you it’s not possible! Although, if you’re not prepared to put in the effort … yet ….. you need to be honest with yourself with the career you want to pursue. atWork Australia’s Job Coaches can support people to identify their skills, strengths and match them to suitable careers. You can read more about atWork Australia’s dedicated Job Coaches here.


2. Research Different Careers That Match Your Skills and Interests

The job market these days is completely different to what it was in the “old days”. There are simply career paths and opportunities that did not exist before. With flexible work arrangements being a common thing these days, it’s possible for people to pursue opportunities in different cities, states and even overseas. Researching different career opportunities that match your strengths and skills could open your mind to new and exciting career pathways. The My Futures website could be a good starting point for your research and can provide a range of suitable career options that match your skill set.

Additionally, if you identify a career you are interested in, research the different types of career development options that could improve your chances to secure a position in your preferred industry.


3. Talk to People Already Working in Your Dream Career

Regardless of the stage you are at in your employment journey, whether you’re looking for your first career or looking to change career directions, talking to people who are experienced in the industry you want to work in is a great way to learn what it actually takes to land a job in that particular industry. It may also help you learn that your ‘dream job’ is not actually what you thought it was.

The good news is, with social networking platforms such as, LinkedIn, it has never been easier to connect with likeminded individuals. LinkedIn is an incredible resource to connect you with people from all industries. You can connect with people who work in the industry you are interested in. You could ask if they mind if you ask a few questions about how they got started in the industry. Ask if they would mind reviewing your resume and cover letter. You could even ask if they would consider doing an information interview, so you can ask all your questions on a call or virtual meeting.

This may sound like a daunting process, but remember, even the most successful people have asked for help at some point. There is never any harm in asking a question. What’s the worst that can happen? They say, no! In that case, you can thank them for their time and move on to ask someone else for some help, no harm done.  You may be surprised how willing people are to help you learn about and get your foot into the industry.


4. Consider Your Needs and Preferences

If you’re having trouble trying to identify what your dream job might be, start by establishing what your needs and preferences are for a job. Place them in an order of importance and be clear about which needs are non-negotiable and what are preferences. Having a good understanding of this information from the beginning will be invaluable throughout the job searching process. Remember, to find your dream job, there will have to be some compromises. There will always be some elements of a job that we like more than others, that’s completely normal.


5. Be Consistent

It is important to remember that finding your dream job is not going to happen overnight, it will take time. To be completely honest, before you find your dream job, you will most likely have to do jobs you don’t necessarily enjoy. It’s all part of the learning experience, you take the positive aspects out of each opportunity and eventually these learnings will guide you on a path towards your dream job. You need to be patient, consistent with your efforts, and be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone. Connecting with a Disability Employment Services provider, such as atWork Australia can help fast track the process. They can motivate you, help to develop your employability skills and connect you with employers. Find out more about Disability Employment Services.


Find Your Dream Job with atWork Australia

Finding your dream job can seem like a job in itself. If you have managed to read this far – well done!  In doing so. You will realise that finding your dream job takes time, patience and plenty of hard work. So, why not off load some of the stress and connect with atWork Australia to get tailored support on your employment journey. atWork Australia are experts at supporting people living with disability, injury, illness or disadvantage to find their dream job. atWork Australia can support people throughout the entire employment journey. From updating your resume, connecting you with inclusive employers and helping you prepare for the interview to ensure you put your best foot forward. Get in touch with atWork Australia today to kick start your journey to a dream career.

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