Welcome to ParentsNext
We look forward to supporting you to be job ready when your child is school ready.
ParentsNext is a supportive, voluntary program with many benefits. Together, we’ll develop a plan that takes into account your individual goals, builds your confidence, focuses on your needs and strengths and helps you plan for your future.
We offer tailored and flexible support that best meets your needs. We help you make connections with employers, support you financially with any training or education to help you land your dream role and, listen to any concerns you may have. You don’t have to look for work while you’re with ParentsNext, but if you are ready, we can help. We might even be able to help you with your Driver’s Licence, social connections or mental health support. Whatever your goals, we will help set you up to be in a much better position to act on opportunities when the time is right.
Attending your first appointment
We are a family friendly environment. Bring your children with you to your appointments. We have pram and wheelchair access. If you need help speaking or understanding English, we can help arrange an interpreter or call the Interpreting Service on 131 450.
Make the most of your appointments. We will work together on a Participation Plan that outlines your goals, and the activities and appointments that you can choose to do, to reach your goals. These activities should fit with your family life and be relevant to what you want to achieve.
We can help with:
- Identifying education and employment goals
- Setting a participation plan
- Supporting your confidence to get into study or work
- Connect you with local community and employers
- Practical help like obtaining your Driver’s License
- Accessing childcare assistance
- Wellness Support
Your plan is flexible. So if your goals change, so too can your activities.
Wondering how to find us?
Visit our location page, with printable directions to take with you. We look forward to supporting you find the right job with the right employer.
Leave Feedback
Should you have a complaint, or a compliment, or would just like to provide some feedback, please let us know. Write to us to let us know your feedback at feedback@atworkaustralia.com.au. You can call us at 1300 080 856.
Or you can download and fill in this feedback form and hand it to your Job Coach at your next appointment.
You can also call the National Customer Service line on 1800 805 260 or email nationalcustomerserviceline@dewr.gov.au
“I would not be where I am today without the assistance and support from atWork Australia’s ParentsNext. My Job Coach Liliana helped build my confidence in being able to achieve my educational and employment goals.”
Losa, ParentsNext client now working in Aged Care
Read our good news stories, who knows yours could be next
Have a question?
If you have any questions, please call us on 1300 080 856 or via Live Chat.
We look forward to supporting you find the right job with the right employer.