Strive Community Services provide individual support for clients across Perth, Western Australia.
They reached out to atWork Australia, looking for team members to help their growing client caseload.
Employer Engagement Consultant, Ant, invited Elisa from Strive Community Services to the atWork Australia office to share more information about the business with clients.
“Elisa spoke to clients about the company, the hiring process, and what the role would involve,” said Ant.
“These sessions help our clients understand if the role will be the right fit for them before they interview.”
“Also, by meeting the employer in a space they are familiar with, it can support their confidence when it comes to the interview, setting them up for greater success.”
The atWork Australia team also pre-screens clients before they are referred to the business, and we then support them through the onboarding process should they be successful.
So far, Ant and the team have supported two clients who are now thriving in meaningful employment with Strive Community Services.
“I applaud atWork Australia for their ability to refer to us the exact candidates we have asked for; those who wish to work in a field that they enjoy, and are able to be supported through the onboarding process,” said Elisa.
“We are very happy with who we have employed so far.”
“atWork Australia provided fantastic candidates. They supported our hiring needs when our business grew.”
Looking for great talent to join your workplace? atWork Australia’s Government funded employment service is here to help. Get in touch today to find out more 1300 080 856 or enquire online