atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Rachael stands in front of an atWork Australia sign. Quote reads "My clients have taught me that not all goals are the same and finding unique roles for them helps them sustain long term employment.” said Rachael. Job Coach

Rachael is a Job Coach for atWork Australia in New South Wales, regularly working from our offices in Jesmond, Kotara and Edgeworth.

She is known for her work in supporting clients to feel empowered, motivating them to achieve their goals and overcome their barriers while providing practical support to help them get there. Rachael understands you are more than your barrier.

Before she started as a Job Coach, Rachael worked in hospitality for ten years, when her sister and a friend both suggested she move into employment services.

Five years ago, Rachael was diagnosed with Epilepsy. She was determined to improve her health and wellbeing. She wanted to overcome her challenges and focus on her career growth. Through her lived experience, Rachael provides caring and compassionate support to clients, helping them to believe in themselves and never give up on achieving their employment goals.

If Rachael learns a client has a dream role in mind, she will walk the streets handing out resumes and talking to potential employers about her clients. Rachael will organise wage subsidies and workplace modifications, she uses all avenues available to her to place her clients in roles they will thrive in.

Rachael recently supported client Bronwyn find her first role in more than 30 years.

Bronwyn lives with osteoarthritis, a respiratory disorder and lifelong learning disability. At 54, she was no longer required as a carer and found herself looking for work that would fit with her disabilities, having not been in the workforce for more than 30 years.

Daunted by what seemed an impossible task, Bronwyn approached atWork Australia and was connected with Rachael.
Rachael worked closely with Bronwyn to find employment that suited her physical and mental barriers. She encouraged her to never give up and they talked about types of work she might be interested in doing.

When the time came for her interview, Rachael helped Bronwyn source appropriate clothing and shoes. She is now thriving and thoroughly enjoying her role as a catering assistant.

You can read more on Bronwyn’s story here.

Get in touch today on  1300 080 856, or register your interest online, and let’s connect you with one of our many passionate Job Coaches who will work tirelessly to get you the right job with the right employer.

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