atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Daniel lives with challenges around memory, reading, writing and learning, which were the result of a significant brain injury from when he was a child.

These concerns have led to symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can affect daily functioning and an ability to work affectively in a job, particularly one that has high demands on staff.

atWork Australia Job Coach Chrissy from the Liverpool office, offered support by first acting as a sounding board for Daniel, empathising with his circumstances and offering him positive reinforcement.

It was through weekly appointments that Chrissy was able to enrich rapport and determine Daniel’s work-related requirements. For example, Daniel was not versed in submitting employee time sheets.  In addition, Job Coach Chrissy was able to purchase Personal Protective Equipment and other work-related clothing. Chrissy was also able to assist Daniel in gaining the most appropriate licences and tickets, which are a strict requirement of anybody working in Traffic Management.

Throughout Daniel’s time in atWork Australia, Chrissy noticed an increase in his confidence and a renewed feeling of self-worth through contributing to a team.

Daniel commented about how he “Loves going to work and is a valued and important part of the team.”

He is known to the team as a person one can trust and rely upon. Juniors look to him for advice on account of his wisdom and life experiences.  Daniel is still seen as the go to person in the team. Chrissy attributes his success in the role to his increased confidence and self-esteem.

Daniel said, “A big thank you to the team at atWork Australia Liverpool for helping me to gain and maintain employment, he added, “my Job Coach Chrissy and Service Manager Frances have been great with their ongoing support and go above and beyond to help me. They are always there for me, they are both legends.”

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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