atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Dimitrios, said, “I am feeling like a much more positive person. I have the ability to fight my past. My family has been supportive and can’t believe how much I have changed.”

Dimitrios came to atWork Australia’s Workforce Australia office in Reservoir, Victoria, at a point in his employment journey where many service providers were refusing to work with him due to his anger towards staff. His anger and reputation were forcing people to avoid him.

Dimitrios admits he was having the same issue when he arrived at atWork Australia.

Dimitrios has a very troubled past, as a young man he quickly found himself spiraling out of control. From his darkest days as an addict, living on the street, to eventually winding up in prison.

His previous tickets and qualifications had expired as he never had the funds to renew them. His frustrations at life were only increasing his aggression.

A major turning point in Dimitrios’s life is when atWork Australia Job Coach, Rozy, agreed to work with him. After reading Dimitrios’s record, Rozy was concerned, however, she was not going to judge him for his past and she believed everyone deserves a second chance.

“Today, I am proud to say my Job Coach has completely touched my life, making me a better person,” said Dimitrios.

Rozy took the time to get to know Dimitrios, treating him with respect and getting to know the underlying issues of his aggression. Once the pair began to establish a strong relationship, they began to focus on his job-related skills, offering him opportunities to gain further education, and renew his expired qualifications.

“Finally, I have managed to stay calm, listen and treat others with respect. I am now able to identify situations that trigger me, and I am seeking professional help. With the support of my Job Coach, I am looking after my own wellbeing,” said Dimitrios.

Dimitrios continues to make tremendous progress on his journey with atWork Australia, he continues to focus on  improving his punctuality, motivation towards his well-being and securing employment.

Dimitrios and Rozy will continue working together, developing his employability skills and progressing towards a bright future.

“I am feeling like a much more positive person. I have the ability to fight my past. My family has been supportive and can’t believe how much I have changed,” said Dimitrios.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Dimitrios expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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