atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Daniel smiles in a blue apron in a cafe. He says I’m very happy at work with my good friends

19-year-old Daniel recently moved to the South Coast region of Shoalhaven in New South Wales and was connected to atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Service for support to find work.

While living with an intellectual and learning disability which can impact his concentration, Daniel has always been independent and very willing to learn new skills.

Daniel requires a role that is repetitive so he can learn and be successful in his employment.

Through his previous work experience, the team understood that with the right support and with a repetitive role, Daniel could find meaningful employment.

When he met with Job Coach Donna, he expressed that he wanted to work at a local supported employment organisation that runs a café.

Daniel was in luck, as Donna had an established connection with the manager.

Together they went to meet with the manager, Kylie, and were able to connect Daniel to a NDIS support worker for assistance in his new role.

“Since Daniel started work, he hasn’t looked back. He has already made lifelong friends with the staff,” said Donna.

When Daniel started work, the atWork Australia team made sure he was financially supported to purchase the work-related clothing he needed including non-slip shoes.

“It has been great to work with this employer as together we were able to link Daniel to the right NDIS support worker who is looking after Daniel well,” said Donna.

“Daniel calls me very often to let me know how his new job is going and to let me know how much he is enjoying his work.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Daniel expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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