atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Aaron now has a job with one of Australia’s biggest supermarket chains just weeks after turning to atWork Australia’s friendly and free disability employment service.

In October 2019, 19-year-old Aaron registered with atWork Australia’s Traralgon office. He was at a low point in his life and didn’t believe he would ever be capable of finding a job, let alone have a career. But his aunty felt otherwise and took him into the atWork Australia office for a chat.

Aaron’s dedicated Job Coach, Rhiannon, says his obstacles, including an intellectual disability, affected his confidence and self-esteem.

“It’s pretty hard for anyone to feel good about themselves when they haven’t focused on their strengths in a while,” she says.

Rhiannon got right down to work with Aaron, signing him up to job club programs and work experience opportunities, to boost his confidence and help him concentrate on his strong points and employment goals. Job clubs are a great way for job seekers to get together and help each other with their job-seeking journey. Participants can exchange resumes and cover letters, conduct mock interviews and generally offer one another encouragement and advice.

At the same time, Rhiannon kept up appointments with Aaron, to help him keep striving towards his goal.

She suggested Aaron enrol in a Certificate III in Retail to stand out to employers in the retail sector.

Then, early in December, an opportunity arose for Aaron and he attended an interview with a large supermarket chain, where he was brilliant.

“With Aaron’s drive, energy and his bold confidence, he smashed it and got the job!” she says.

“He wants a successful, long-term career, with the goal of one day being independent and supporting himself in buying a house,” Rhiannon says.

Aaron started work at the supermarket giant in mid-December and is said to be beyond excited to finally have a shot at a long-term career.

At atWork Australia, we’re all about putting your needs front and centre, as we create a plan together to get you where you want to be. Call us on now on 1300 080 856 and let’s get started today.

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