atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

After Alan’s employer unexpectedly shut down last year, he found himself looking for a new position, but was finding it challenging. That was until he met with the atWork Australia team in Bowral, New South Wales.

Alan entered the office as a Workforce Australia client, looking to find a position that he loved as much as his previous one. Alan has a history of unemployment and financial barriers, which has limited his success when applying for positions in the past.

When he met with Job Coach, Sarah, she could see what great potential he had, and she was looking forward to assisting him on his journey to sustainable employment.

Within Alan’s initial consultation, the pair discussed his employment history, his goals and how Sarah could assist him get there;  creating a job plan that was tailored to his individual needs.

Throughout Alan’s employment journey, Sarah assisted him with updating his resume and cover letter whilst also providing financial assistance by purchasing a phone. He also received fuel cards to ensure he could travel safely to the office and to future job interviews.

After attending several job interviews with potential employers, his confidence in himself and his abilities noticeably increased. As a result of these interviews, he also learnt an abundance of new skills too.

After a successful interview with a local government agency, he was offered a full-time position as a Call Centre Operator.

He was ecstatic and so grateful when he found out he had secured the position. He gave his thanks to all of the atWork Australia team in Bowral for their tailored support.

Sarah and the atWork Australia team in Bowral have enjoyed being apart of Alan’s employment journey.

“It has been such a great experience to witness Alan’s growth and watching him move into full time employment” Job Coach, Sarah.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Alan expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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