atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

After being unemployed and lacking motivation for two years throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Donald entered the atWork Australia office in Mt Hawthorn, Western Australia looking to make progress on his journey towards meaningful employment.

In his first appointment with Job Coach, Tansy, as a Workforce Australia client, Donald expressed his interest in working in the transport industry. He had a particular interest with trains and buses. The pair decided they would work together towards his goal of working in the industry.

After a successful interview and recruitment process with a local transport company, Donald was unfortunately unsuccessful in gaining the position. This made him feel a little disheartened, but Tansy comforted him in knowing that the perfect position is out there for him.

In following appointments, Donald mentioned a recent hobby of his – assisting his friend styling his house in preparation for it to go on the market. He advised Tansy of how much he enjoyed it, but she already knew, you could tell by the way he was talking.

With having been a manager in the past and having previously owned his own business, he was thinking he found a niche market for a business – styling houses before they hit the market.

After discussing this opportunity with Tansy, Donald started networking with his connections in Real Estate. He also reached out to local Real Estate Agents and started to gather furniture.

After gaining more clients because of networking, Donald now works for himself and has been since November 2022.

Tansy has suggested that Donald complete mall business training. Donald has advised that he is interested in completing this training, he is just getting some things in line.

Donald is loving his new business venture. He is so proud of himself for getting this off the ground. He is looking forward to having more clients, however, his focus right now is getting more furniture.

Donald is so thankful for the tailored support he has been given on his employment journey.

“Donald went from wanting to work in Transport but was unsuccessful and demotivated. After starting his own business, we have seen new energy from Donald.” Tansy, Job Coach.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Donald expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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