atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

Workforce Australia client, Andrew, had been unemployed for a few years, but he had put his time to good use by studying a Certificate IV in Community Services.

When he was connected to Job Coach, Anne, at the Vincentia atWork Australia office, he was starting to feel the financial strain of being long-term unemployed.

“Andrew advised he needed work to help him pay rent and support his family,” said Job Coach, Anne.

“Andrew was a pleasure to work with from the moment he entered the office. He wanted to find work and never missed an appointment.”

Andrew was work ready when he started with atWork Australia, so Anne and Andrew began applying for roles right away.

One day, Andrew rang Anne to let her know he had secured a role as a Care Support Worker. Anne then had a few ideas to help Andrew ensure this new role would be sustainable for him in the long run.

“I supported Andrew by negotiating with the employer to allow Andrew to work the 120 hours of placement he needed for his qualification in a paid capacity,” said Anne.

This meant Andrew would not have to take unpaid time off work to finish his studies.

“I also negotiated a wage subsidy with the employer to support them to keep Andrew in work for at least the next six months,” said Anne.

atWork Australia also supported Andrew with fuel cards to make sure he could get to and from work in the meantime.

“Andrew advised me he was grateful for all my support in negotiating with his employer, and assisting him with fuel to travel to work,” said Anne.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Andrew expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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