atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, James, said, “Brilliant team, they provided me with really great help.”

When James* came to atWork Australia he had been unemployed for a couple of years. As a mature age client with multiple health barriers, James was finding it difficult to return to work. However, he was up for the challenge and was not giving up easily.

James recognised he needed to make some changes in the way he approached his job searching journey. When he connected with his Job Coach, Anika, at the atWork Australia Workforce Australia office in Clare, SA, he was open and willing to accept Anika’s support.

As the pair got to know each other, James shared his health challenges, which included vision and hearing limitations. He had experienced personal trauma and grief, as well as living with mental health concerns. Anika was grateful to James for being so honest and said they could tailor the support to meet his individual needs and progress towards employment at his pace.

As a starting point, Anika encouraged James to participate in atWork Australia’s Jobs Now program. This helped him develop his employability skills, create a new resume and cover letter, and boost his confidence in preparation to returning to work.

Additionally, James completed atWork Australia’s MoneyMinded program, which focusses on building participants ability to effectively manage their personal finances.

James admitted he was struggling initially and that he was finding the whole process challenging. However, with the support of the atWork Australia team, who continued to boost his confidence and shared their belief in him, James seized the moment and took full advantage of the learning opportunities.

With the added support of atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Emma, the team focused their attention on finding James suitable employment.

Soon, James had landed an interview. Although he was nervous and doubting his ability, the team surrounded him with positivity and encouragement. James rose to the occasion; he nailed the interview and secured the position as a Cleaner. James’ Job Coach, Anika, said, “We are so thrilled to see James achieve his goal and build his self-confidence, we always believed in him. With the right support, the right opportunity and everything falls into place.”

“Brilliant team, they provided me with really great help,” said James.

*Clients name has been changed to protect their privacy

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like James expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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