atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

Workforce Australia client, Amber, entered the atWork Australia office in Mount Hawthorn, WA, looking for assistance to re-enter the workforce after two years of unemployment.

As a previous client of atWork Australia’s ParentsNext program, Amber was looking forward to re-connecting with the team to further build on her goals for employment.

Upon entering the office in Mount Hawthorn, she was greeted by a Job Coach, Tansy, with a friendly smile. Within Amber’s initial appointment the pair got to know each other. Tansy also informed Amber on what support atWork Australia can provide her as a part of the Workforce Australia program.

It was within this session that Amber informed Tansy that she is a primary parent and that she has a past of negative mental health. Tansy listened and supported Amber through this conversation, as well as informing her of our in-house Wellness Services.

Amber expressed her interest in the services, and as a result Tansy enrolled her.

Whilst attending her Wellness appointments, Tansy and Amber worked on perfecting her Resume and Cover Letter to impress any potential employers.

Tansy collaborated with Employment Engagement Consultant, Nicholas, to search for the perfect position for Amber. Once any suitable positions were found, Tansy chatted with Amber. If she was interested, she would be put forward for an interview with the employer.

After a successful interview in September 2022, Amber was offered a position in administration. Unfortunately, after several months, the company was restructured, and Amber was left without a job.

Amber then re-connected with Tansy and the Mount Hawthorn team where they got to work on finding another administration role for Amber. Within no time, Amber was in a role she loved, once again.

Amber was so grateful for all the support from the atWork Australia team in Mount Hawthorn. She thanked both Nicholas and Tansy for all the support she has been given.

“It was a pleasure to work with Amber. She was always up for anything that we offered her. She always leaves me proud of the hard work she puts in to see and that she has ended up in a job that she loves.” – Tansy, Job Coach.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Amber, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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