atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia jobactive office in Joondalup has become a provider for the RYDE (Regional Youth Driver Education) Program offering youths the chance to complete their 50 hours of supervised driving with a volunteer ‘driving mentor’.

In conjunction with the City of Joondalup Youth Services, atwork Australia can now refer their job seekers aged between 16 – 25 years living in the Perth’s north directly to the RYDE Program and assist with the costs to the participant. This means that a job seeker can access 90 minutes of supervised driving for their logbooks, for the cost of $15, a total of $500 for the full 50 hours required (plus an assessment fee). atwork Australia can assist towards any or all of that payment and the job seeker can contribute what they can too.

Many young people find it difficult to complete the 50 hours of driving experience now required for a Western Australian Driver’s Licence. This might be because they haven’t got access to an appropriate vehicle, or a qualified person to spend the required hours in the passenger seat.

The RYDE Program connects Learner Drivers with Volunteer Mentors and a Program vehicle, so that they can get their Licence and all of the opportunities that come with it.

The RYDE Program was originally developed by the Town of Bassendean in response to the State Government’s change from 25 to 50 supervised driving hours in November 2012. A side effect of these changes has been the marginalisation of young people with limited access to suitable vehicles or Mentors with which to undertake these requirements. For more information please visit

Riann Thorp, Business Manager at atWork Australia’s Joondalup office said that she was so pleased to be chosen as a RYDE provider as referrals to this program is a great service to offer our job seekers aged 25 years and under. ‘Obtaining a Drivers’ Licence is a major barrier that these job seekers must overcome and there are so many benefits once they are able to independently access employment opportunities, training and leisure activities by transporting themselves.

We have already had several job seekers sign up to the RYDE Program, and have even had enquiries from job seekers who are with other employer services providers as we are the only jobactive provider to be RYDE Provider in the Joondalup area’.

For additional information about atWork Australia’s jobactive program, please visit or contact 1300 080 856.

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