atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Quote reads "I'm so happy to have been supported by atWork Australia to find a role to help support my family." Shane Client Victoria

Shane connected with atWork Australia’s Job Coach Ashlea in Moolap Victoria as a Workforce Australia client.

He had experience as a Boilermaker and good work experience but was unable to find work with the flexible hours he needed to support his daughters.

Shane is a single father and needed employment quickly to provide suitable housing for his family.

He was starting to feel defeated as he saw roles available but with hours that didn’t fit with his responsibilities.

“Shane was very keen and highly motivated. He just needed help finding a role which was flexible to his needs and where he was able to use his skills,” said Job Coach Ashlea.

atWork Australia was able to take some of the pressure and stress from Shane by supporting him connect with employers outside of advertised roles.

Local Employer Engagement Consultant, Kylie, called some local employers and was able to find Shane a labouring role with the flexible hours he needed.

When Kylie broke the news to Shane, he was very excited to share the news with his daughters.

“Shane impressed the employer so much they told him not to apply anywhere else as they had a need for his skills and experiences,” said Kylie.

Shane was very grateful for the support atWork Australia offered him to find work including helping him source the work-related clothing he needed to start the role.

The atWork Australia team also supported Shane with fuel vouchers for his first weeks of work until he started to receive his wage.

“I’m so happy to have been supported by atWork Australia to find a role to help support my family,” – Shane, Workforce Australia client, VIC

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Shane expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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