atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Quote reads "Bruce is thriving in his new role. His dad was excited as well, giving him a sense of pride in himself and what he can achieve." Brad Job Coach Victoria

23-year-old Bruce lives with Calcaneonavicular coalition in his foot which means he can’t stand for long periods. He thought the perfect role for him was as a forklift driver.

Bruce did all the qualifications he needed but found himself stuck in an endless circle of being unable to work due to a lack of experience, and no one giving him a chance to gain any.

Bruce met Brad from atWork Australia in Shepparton, Victoria two years ago when he found himself stuck in this impossible situation.

Bruce explained he also tried to work in construction but couldn’t do it due to his disability. Brad started by looking through course guides to help Bruce create a new path for himself.

“Bruce hadn’t yet thought outside the box on careers he could do. We focused on new ideas for roles he could do with his disability,” said Job Coach Brad.

“He ended up choosing a Cert IV in Community Services as he liked the idea of helping others. Gaining new qualifications could open up doors for Bruce in a field more suited to him.”

But Bruce’s path ended up taking an unexpected turn when he was offered an interview as a disability support worker.

atWork Australia helped Bruce with his NDIS Worker Screening Check, and he started his first role in two years as a support worker.

Bruce said, “Brad was helpful as. My life is finally in check. It feels like something is going right for me, for a change.”

Bruce now takes clients out for social activities and assists in domestic duties to support them around the house.

Bruce has found a new path for himself and his career and plans to continue to study to become a case worker in the foster care system.

“Bruce is thriving in his new role. His dad was excited as well, giving him a sense of pride in himself and what he can achieve,” said Brad.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Bruce expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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