atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Picture of Lilly standing with her Job Coach out on the footpath smiling.

Since leaving school, Disability Employment Services client, Lilly, hadn’t been employed or gained any work experience.

Lilly lives with social anxiety and low confidence and needed a different approach to help build her confidence to enter paid employment.

Lilly reached out to atWork Australia in Buderim, Queensland, and was connected with Pamela, a friendly Job Coach who would think outside the box when it came to providing support that would suit Lilly and her goals.

Pamela’s key to success was taking small and manageable steps with Lilly to get her comfortable to being in different situations with people she didn’t know.

As a way to build rapport, the pair went browsing at the local op shop. At Lilly’s second appointment, they went back to the op shop for Lilly to ask for an application form to volunteer. Together, they filled out the form; Lilly would have the opportunity to submit this form to the op shop manager when they attended the upcoming First Steps to Success event.

The day of the event came around and Lilly had the confidence to speak with the op shop manager; little did she know, Pamela had set this chat up as an interview for Lilly. The setting of the event and casual conversation allowed Lilly to be herself without any pressure. This helped her overcome her interview anxiety.

The one-on-one approach that Pamela took worked for Lilly and she was offered a part-time volunteer role at the op shop. This is a great opportunity for Lilly to build her confidence and gain experience working in retail.

Lilly said, “Volunteering has been a great first step to build my confidence in working in retail and helping me be calmer around people. I was scared at first but now I am really loving my work.”

Pamela is proud of how far Lilly has come in a short time. She said, “I honestly could not be prouder. Lilly has embraced the atWork Australia process with open arms and I cannot wait to see what her future holds.”

The manager at the op shop is thrilled to have Lilly as part of the team. They said, “What a lovely girl, she did the tasks we gave her with enthusiasm and completed them well. A thoroughly lovely girl that would be an asset to any retail business.”

“Volunteering has been a great first step to build my confidence.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients, like Lilly, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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