atWork Australia

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“Catherine has come such a long way and it has been a pleasure working with her to see her achieve her full potential.” Julie, atWork Australia Job Coach.

To Workforce Australia client, Catherine, the support shown from the atWork Australia team in Katoomba, NSW, has meant everything.

At the time of entering the atWork Australia office, Catherine was working casually as a Delivery Driver. This role was not something that was sustainable to her. She was looking for something that offered her more hours while also allowing her to have more interaction with people. All this information was shared with her Job Coach, Julie, within her first appointment.

From this moment, Julie could see the great potential that Catherine had, despite Catherine not sharing this same confidence. This lack of confidence within herself was holding her back.

As a first port of call, Julie worked on building up Catherine’s confidence in herself and her abilities. She discussed her strengths in customer service and how they are a great asset to any employer.

Catherine found the flexibility of the PBAS system fantastic. The combination of her casual hours and job searching meant that she was meeting this benchmark every month with ease.

With her confidence levels up and with Julie by her side, she was ready to take the next step on her journey – interviews. So, the pair worked on effective interview techniques and questions to ensure that she was able to put her best foot forward.

All this hard work quickly paid off when she was offered a part-time position with a local petrol station after an interview. Catherine was thrilled, this position was exactly what she was looking for, customer service.

Julie is so proud of all the progress that she has seen within Catherine. She states;

“Catherine has come such a long way and it has been a pleasure working with her to see her achieve her full potential.”

This newfound confidence has made an impact to other elements of her life too. She has also moved into her own place, instead of sharing. Catherine is enjoying more freedom and opportunities in life.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Catherine, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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