atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

I am super proud of Chelsea's achievements and growth, and it is obvious in her body language and communication that she has progressed.  Chelsea, Disability Employment Services Client, SA.

Disability Employment Services Client, Chelsea, nervously entered the atWork Australia office in Noarlunga, South Australia, in 2022, looking to make some bold changes in her life.

Although wanting to make these changes, she found it hard to communicate with her Job Coach, Katrina, and the broader atWork Australia team, due to her social anxiety and dissociative disorder, depersonalisation.

Through her body language, Katrina could sense how uncomfortable Chelsea felt, so she ensured that she put her at ease by explaining our services and how we can help her. She then got to know Chelsea to build their relationship.

After attending several appointments, Chelsea was now attending her face-to-face appointments confidently. As time progressed, she began to engage with other staff members at the Noarlunga site too.

With her new-found confidence, Chelsea agreed to attend the Jobs Now course. This course was a great steppingstone for Chelsea; it allowed her to a create a vision board with goals, engage with people within a group setting, as well as learning effective job searching techniques.

After attending several sessions, she found herself being excited to attend, as she had formed relationships with other attendees with similar interests!

Once completing the course, Chelsea shared her vision board with Katrina. This board highlighted her love for animals, but in particular, dogs. On this board, she wrote that she would love to have a job working with dogs. So, Katrina contacted several local ‘doggy day care’ businesses.

Katrina was successful in finding a business that was open to taking Chelsea in for work experience. After only two weeks at the business, Chelsea was offered a casual position. She was ecstatic.

Her employer continues to be impressed with Chelsea and her work ethic, stating “Chelsea has fit in really well with the team. She is dedicated and passionate.”

Katrina and the Noarlunga team are so proud of Chelsea and her progress throughout the time they have known her.

“I am super proud of Chelsea’s achievements and growth, and it is obvious in her body language and communication that she has progressed.  She always has a smile ear to ear.” – Katrina, Job Coach.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Chelsea, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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