atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

I appreciate the support from every single team member. The one-on-one training has allowed me to stay in full-time employment. Chris, Disability Employment Services Client, QLD

Chris was a client of atWork Australia for nearly three years. Then, an opportunity arose for Chris to move to the other side of the desk and become an atWork Australia employee.

Chris jumped at the opportunity and is now a Job Coach, supporting other people with disability, injury or health condition to find meaningful and lasting employment, just like he has.

In 2010, Chris was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Unfortunately, Chris had to give up his passion of cooking, due to the heat affecting his condition.

Chris decided he needed a career change and began studying IT. However, he found this difficult due to the pace and his personal circumstances. Again, Chris was forced to change industries and started a new role as a Debt Collector.

Soon after, Chris was facing another health concern. He was diagnosed with a Macroadenoma, which he needed to have removed in January 2019.

Chris took some time to focus on his health and medical concerns. During this period, he worked on regaining his driver’s license, which he did not have since 2004.

Chris thought this would be a good step to prepare himself to return to full-time employment. Chris was eager to return to work, he went back to Debt Collection as he wanted to show his health condition would not restrict his ability to work full-time.

Chris’s journey with atWork Australia was a slow process; he became disengaged due to the Covid-19 pandemic and fear of his health continuing to deteriorate.

As the impact of the pandemic began to ease, the atWork Australia team were able to re-engage and continued to support Chris on his employment journey.

When Chris attended his fortnightly meeting, he was introduced to atWork Australia’s Regional Manager, Sharon. In conversation it was mentioned there was a vacancy with atWork Australia. Chris immediately submitted his application to Sharon and was successful in the recruitment process.

Chris was overly ecstatic and could not believe he was going to be in a role where he could help people, people who had been in the position he was once in. It was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

Chris said, “I appreciate the support from every single team member. The one-on-one training has allowed me to stay in full-time employment. I really want to thank the team at South Brisbane and Ipswich for their continued support.”

 “This is the opportunity I have been waiting for.” –  Chris, atWork Australia Client.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients, like Chris, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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