atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Danielle's confidence transformation during the last almost year has been amazing, and it is so great to see her bounce into appointments and discuss her study and future with such excitement. - Isabel, Workforce Australia, TAS

From full time mum to part time study, to achieving her dreams, Workforce Australia client, Danielle, is thriving in this new phase of her life.

At the time of entering the atWork Australia office in George Town, TAS, Danielle had no employment history. Despite wanting to take the next steps on her employment journey, she lacked confidence and was unsure which direction she wished to go in.

With her Job Coach, Isabel, by her side, they worked together to build a tailored plan, and road map of Danielle’s employment journey, based on her interests, hobbies, and skills.

Danielle expressed an interest in cleaning, as her mother was a cleaner. As a result of this conversation, Danielle was enrolled in a Certificate III in Cleaning Operations and was eager for her first day of study.

Whilst completing this course, Danielle continued to attend her scheduled appointments, where the pair would continue to build on Danielle’s job-ready skills.

Her tailored plan also included attending our in-house Wellness Services to receive mental health support throughout the journey too.

atWork Australia financially supported Danielle throughout her whole journey. This included purchasing a laptop for her to complete her studies and paying for her car registration to ensure that she could travel safely.

Whilst completing her work placement, she was offered a position with the host employer prior to completion. She was ecstatic.

“Danielle was over the moon about gaining her new employment and it is her first time working in 10 years,” said Isabel.

Within this next phase of her employment journey, the atWork Australia team were able to financially support Danielle to get her white card she needed to begin her position. Isabel was also able to assist in purchasing work clothing as well as registering her car so that she would be able to travel independently to work.

“When I first started seeing Danielle, she was unsure of what she wanted to do, being unemployed for 10 years with little skills or confidence,” said Isabel.

“Danielle and I have worked together and utilised all of resources on offer to help progress her to employment. The change in Danielle’s confidence has been phenomenal.”

“Danielle is a perfect example of what clients can achieve when provided with tailored support. Danielle credits me for her success but I have told her the success is all hers, a reflection of the hard work she herself has put in. I’ve just been here to help along the way.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Danielle, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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