atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

27-year-old David lives with mental health conditions which have led to substance abuse and homelessness.

He was connected with Workforce Australia Job Coaches Paul and Cailyn from the atWork Australia office in Midland, Western Australia for support to find work.

Job Coach Paul and David co-designed his progress plan with referrals to rehabilitation centres and additional wellness support for his health and wellbeing.

In 2018, David landed a labouring role in a firewood chopping business. Unfortunately, the business did not take off and David was once again out of work.

However, during his time in this role, his dedication and hard work was noticed by the employer, Matthew. So, when Matthew started a new company, he reached out to David to see if he still needed work.

Job Coach Cailyn helped David financially with work clothes and fuel vouchers to get to work.

“The employer advised he has also previously been a client with atWork Australia. He now has his own business and has been a driving force in supporting David to sustain employment. The camaraderie between them is evident by witnessing the respect they have for each other,” said Paul.

“David now wants to start his own cleaning business as a result of working for Matthew.”

Cailyn has now supported to David to obtain his ABN so he can take the next step on his employment journey.

“David is now a confident young man, who has a positive relationship with his employer and has been successful in his role as a cleaner.”

“The best thing about this job is connecting with clients and being there with them through their journey of self-improvement and obtaining sustainable employment. David is on track for a positive future.”

David now has secure accommodation and is excited to develop his skills further and start his own business.

“Life does actually get better. You get back what you put in and I am thankful to my Job Coach, and my employer Matty,” said David.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like David expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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