atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Deborah's Job Coach, Abigail, said, “Deborah is over the moon with this new opportunity with McDonalds. Her face lights up as soon as she starts talking about it."

Who can honestly put their hand up and say, “I knew exactly what type of job I wanted to do?”. This is not the case for many people, however, when Deborah first came to atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Services office in Penrith, NSW, she expressed her strong desire to work at McDonalds.

Deborah is a mature age client, although she had a clear vision of where she wanted to work, she had been unemployed for the better part of five years. She was lacking confidence, she had limited experience for the positions she desired, as well as physical and medical conditions impacting her ability to return to work.

Deborah acknowledged her barriers and was determined to overcome them to reach her goals with the assistance from atWork Australia by her side.

For the past 12 months, with the support of her Job Coach, Abigail, Deborah has been focused on upskilling and improving her confidence in her own ability.

After 12 months of hard work, continually developing her skills, and with the assistance of atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Jennifer, Deborah achieved her goal and secured her dream job at McDonalds.

After learning the news, Deborah was filled with joy and so excited to start her new journey. Since starting work, Deborah has become a lot more confident with herself. She now understands her value both inside, and outside of the workplace. Deborah’s Job Coach, Abigail, said, “I admire Deborah’s ongoing resilience, her ability to keep smiling and staying positive during the good times and the bad.”

Deborah has expressed her gratitude for the ongoing support she has received from the team at atWork Australia. Abigail states, “Deborah is over the moon with this new opportunity with McDonalds. Her face lights up as soon as she starts talking about it. She has gained a sense of purpose again, as well as a sense of achievement. She has wanted this opportunity for so long now.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Deborah, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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