atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

At 28-years-old, Dylan came to atWork Australia’s Georgetown, Tasmania, office to get support from the Workforce Australia team. Dylan had no formal work experience and didn’t have his driver’s licence. However, Dylan had made the decision that it was time to make changes and take control of his future. With the support of his Job Coach, Isabel, and his newfound motivation, Dylan began to make an incredible transformation.

As a starting point, Isabel referred Dylan to receive driving lessons, so he could begin working towards achieving his driver’s licence; this would then open new doors to alternative employment options. Additionally, Isabel connected Dylan with atWork Australia’s Wellness Services, allowing Dylan to seek professional support to manage his mental health concerns.

With atWork Australia’s support, Dylan successfully secured his driver’s licence. However, soon after he faced an additional hurdle as his car was having some issues and required immediate repairs. This was unfortunate timing for Dylan, as he didn’t have the funds to cover the cost of the maintenance. Dylan’s Job Coach, Isabel suggested the NILS loans program and was able to assist Dylan with the application process so Dylan could get his car back on the road to continue on his employment journey. With Dylan’s car now back on the road, the next focus was finding a job. To increase Dylan’s employability skills, atWork Australia provided funding for him to complete a forklift ticket. Isabel and her Service Manager, Naome, began applying for positions on Dylan’s behalf and initially secured him work for one day per week.

As the saying goes, “it’s easier to find a job once you have a job”, and this was true for Dylan. Just two weeks later, Dylan secured a new position, five days a week with the local council as a laborer. Dylan is incredibly happy with his new employment and atWork Australia continue to support him with In-Work Support to ensure he continues to thrive and grow in his new workplace.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients, like Dylan, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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