atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Matthew, said, “The support from Zoey and atWork Australia means a lot, it has helped change my life,”

Workforce Australia client, Matthew deserves a round of applause, he experienced a significant setback and curve balls as he was preparing to return to work. Instead of giving up, he took it in his stride and was quick to shift his focus onto the next opportunity.

Matthew has previous experience working as a plumber. When he came to atWork Australia’s in Albany, Western Australia, he was looking forward to re-entering employment as a plumber. He had been told by a training provider at the time, that he would need to complete a couple of modules and his qualifications would be up-to-date. Matthew’s Job Coach, Zoey, was thrilled with his enthusiasm and arranged for atWork Australia to cover the cost of completing the modules.

After getting into contact with the training provider again, Matthew was told he would have to complete his entire qualification again due to changes in the plumbing qualification. As frustrating as it was for Matthew, with Zoey’s support they quickly began reassessing his options.

Matthew always had a positive attitude when it came to finding employment, he took this opportunity to look into other industries he is interested in. With the support of his Job Coach, Matthew decided to pursue a career as a Machine Operator and quickly set out to obtain his excavator, front end loader, and skid steer ticket.

Matthew was always eager to gain new tickets that would improve his chances of securing employment. Additionally, he completed his Heavy Rigid (HR) truck licence.

A week later, Matthew had secured a position with a local  earthmoving company. The employer required him to commence work immediately. However, he would need to complete a medical and drug and alcohol screening prior to starting employment.

Zoey hit the phones and began calling around to make an appointment for Matthew. Within an hour, Matthew was booked in to complete his medical and drug and alcohol screening. At this time, atWork Australia also provided funding for Matthew to purchase new work clothes to ensure he was prepared for his first day.

Throughout Matthew’s journey with atWork Australia, Zoey was able to tailor his Points Based Activations System, so while he was earning his new qualifications they would contribute to achieving his monthly points target.

Job Coach, Zoey, said, “Matthew has always had a positive can-do attitude. He was always willing to go the extra mile to secure a new ticket or qualification so he could secure employment.”

“The support from Zoey and atWork Australia means a lot, it has helped change my life,” said Matthew.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Matthew expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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