atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Robert stands in his high visibility work shirt. Quote reads: Working has benefited me mentally and physically - keeping me moving. I love that I get to meet new people and have conversations. Said Robert.

At 65 years old, Robert had endurance and physical limits to the type of work he could participate in.

He had a list of health barriers including a respiratory disorder, Alzheimer’s Disease and more.

Yet despite his barriers, Robert has now almost completed a year in meaningful employment with the support of atWork Australia.

“Robert has achieved more than he thought he could and we could not be more proud,” said Robert’s Job Coach, Natalie.

Robert entered the atWork Australia Tamworth, NSW, Disability Employment Services office, seeking support to find employment.

He still wanted to work but despite seeking support in the past, he hadn’t found an opportunity which suited his needs.

“Robert has flourished with atWork Australia’s support, he regularly comes in for his appointments for a bit of a chat and a laugh,” said Natalie.

Natalie and the team were determined to find something for Robert. They set about calling employers and marketing him to employers they knew would be supportive and had the right opportunities.

Robert landed a role working eight hours a week as a Trolley Collector, with the atWork Australia team supporting him to purchase the work-related clothing he needed.

“Working has benefited me mentally and physically – keeping me moving. I love that I get to meet new people and have conversations,” said Robert.

“atWork Australia found me work suited to me.”

Robert also mentions that working has helped him to lose the excess kilos that he had gained when unemployed.

“This has supported his overall health and wellbeing in so many ways,” said Natalie.

“Robert has been a delightful client to work with. He faces his barriers head on and continues to go above and beyond what is expected of him.”

The team look forward to celebrating Robert’s one year in employment very shortly.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Robert, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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