atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, said,  “Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate your time and effort."

Daniel* came to atWork Australia’s Lakemba office with an extensive background in the cleaning industry. However, due to Daniel’s personal barriers he had found it challenging to secure employment over the past few years.

In an attempt to break his cycle of unemployment, Daniel was referred to atWork Australia’s Workforce Australia team to get tailored support on his employment journey.

When Daniel first met his Job Coach, Mehdi, he shared that as a result of his long period of unemployment, he was feeling deflated and lacking confidence in his ability to find employment. Mehdi focused the conversation on Daniel’s previous work history, reassuring him that his experience was still relevant and that she could see he had many strengths to offer an employer.

Mehdi could see Daniels potential. However, Daniel needed to see it for himself. To help Daniel build his confidence and develop his self-belief, Mehdi referred him to atWork Australia’s Powered by Positivum program. This would allow Daniel to connect with a professional Wellness Advisor, who could assist him to manage his health barriers.

Due to Daniel’s willingness to engage with his Wellness Advisor, he is now reaping the rewards, as he continues to develop his resilience which has allowed him to bounce back from negative experiences.


With Daniel’s improved motivation, Mehdi began working with him to develop his interview skills. The pair practiced mock interviews, giving Daniel an opportunity to develop strong responses to standard interview questions. With Mehdi by his side, Daniel proceeded to cold call employers to enquire about any vacancies. For Daniel, this was a massive step forward and a great indication of the progress he has made on his journey with atWork Australia.

To provide additional support to Daniel, he was introduced to atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Rachel. In no time at all, Rachel identified and secured Daniel a cleaning position with ICC Sydney. Daniel was thrilled with his new opportunity. Daniel’s Job Coach, Mehdi said, “Daniel was so proud of himself and he really appreciated the support he received from atWork Australia.”

Daniel has made incredible progress on his journey with atWork Australia. Daniel’s employer, said, “Daniel is a great team player with a can-do attitude.”

 “Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate your time and effort.”

– Daniel, atWork Australia Client

*The clients name has been changed to protect their privacy

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Daniel expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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