atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

After five years of unemployment and multiple health barriers, Peter was beginning to think he would never return to the workplace. Peter came to atWork Australia’s, Keepit office in South Tamworth, NSW, for tailored support from atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Services team.

Peter last worked as a Plant Operator and Laborer in 2018. Peter lives with chronic pain and depression, which has kept him out of the workplace. However, this period of unemployment has exacerbated his mental health condition.

When Peter met his Job Coach, Izaac, they developed a plan to support Peter back into the workplace. Due to Peter’s health barriers, the pair decided a change of industry might be suitable; a position that would not be physically demanding like the roles Peter had in the past.

To begin, Peter and Izaac decided Peter would benefit from updating his skill set. Peter was already in the process of completing a Certificate III in Individual Support. Not long after, Peter was able to secure a position as a Transport Safety Officer. Although this position does not directly relate to Peter’s new qualifications, by improving his skills, gaining further education has enhanced Peter’s transferable skills and shows employers his willingness to learn.

Once Peter had secured the role, Izaac continued to support him to obtain his Working with Children Check and completing his Driver Authority. atWork Australia were able to assist with funding for Peter’s medical assessments and to purchase glasses that would enable him to pass the Drivers Authority.

Peter said, ‘the support from atWork Australia means a lot. I felt supported for my mental and physical health on my journey back to work.’ Peter’s Job Coach, Izaac, said, “Peter has come a long way in overcoming hurdles with his medical barriers and his mental health. He is now happy to be back in the workforce.”

 “I thought I would never work again, but atWork Australia steered me down a different avenue, which helped me to believe in myself.” Peter, atWork Australia Client

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Peter, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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