atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Lucy stands proudly next to her Job Coach Katie. Quote reads 'I can always count on Katie giving me the help I need. I can always call her and she is always there.

An admirable job coach and client relationship was the key to Disability Employment Services client, Lucy’s, success in finding and maintaining work.

At the time of entering the atWork Australia office in Pinjarra, WA, Lucy was eager to enter the workforce, this was apparent to her Job Coach, Katie, from the get-go.

Due to a variety of factors, Lucy was finding it difficult to find a position that worked for her, for the long run. Over the past several years, she has been in and out of work, so finding a position that she both loved, and felt was sustainable, was the ultimate goal.

Lucy lives with an intellectual disability and concentration limitations; finding a job that catered to this was essential. She discussed this with Katie in their initial appointment together and a plan with goals was established.

After exploring several industries, traffic management was a standout for Lucy. After discussing the requirements, she was enrolled into a traffic management course to prepare her for the workforce.

After several weeks within the program, Lucy determined that this was not the pathway for her. So, the pair explored industries, once again.

In these conversations, Lucy mentioned a beauty course that she was interested in but was concerned with the cost to enroll. Katie could see how interested she was within this program and atWork Australia offered to financially support her in this venture.

“We were able to find a supportive employer who would train her whilst earning. This employer has gone above and beyond for her”, Katie states.

“atWork Australia has helped me in many ways. Katie has pushed me to do better and succeed with employment I enjoy. I am forever grateful for atWork Australia’s time”, Lucy mentioned.

Katie has consistently been there for the whole journey and helped beyond expectations. Katie is amazing, caring, but so ‘onto it’ she really helps and listens to what you want to do. I can always count on Katie giving me the help I need. I can always call her and she always there.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Lucy expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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