atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia Bonnyrigg has been a constant support in my employment journey and Lydia has been like a sister to me that has supported me through every step. Francis, Disability Employment Services Client, NSW

For Francis, having someone that he could relate to made all the difference on his journey to employment after two years out of the workforce.

After attempting to seek positions for himself on and off since his arrival in Australia in 2017, Disability Employment Services client, Francis, entered the atWork Australia office in Bonnyrigg, NSW, looking for sustainable on-going work.

Francis was frustrated and defeated. His felt as though his physical limitations and his inability to speak fluent English, meant that no employers would hire him. This was quickly proven not to be the case as he had atWork Australia in his corner.

To achieve his goals, he was partnered with Job Coach, Lydia. Within his initial appointment, the pair found out they had a lot in common. One being, that they both spoke Arabic and had moved from other countries to Australia. It was this similarity that made Francis at ease, as she also gets it.

Lydia was the first person to boost his confidence and mention that everything is possible. After all, she has been in the same position as him.

Lydia’s support and encouragement did not end after the first appointment, this was something that was discussed within each and every appointment. With time, this positivity rubbed off on Francis, and he now believed in himself. He was ready to take the next step – finding work.

After multiple discussions regarding potential vacancies with Lydia, Francis found a vacancy as a General Hand (light duties), with a local employer that was suitable for him and his physical limitations. He was successful in gaining this position – he was excited.

On this next stage of his journey, Lydia and the team in Bonnyrigg were able to assist with purchasing all the clothing he needed to begin, as well as purchasing petrol vouchers to ensure he could travel, worry free.

Francis advised that finding employment through atWork Australia has improved his, and his family’s confidence, financial prospects, stability, and attitude towards finding employment in a foreign country.

“’atWork Australia Bonnyrigg has been a constant support in my employment journey and Lydia has been like a sister to me that has supported me through every step”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Francis, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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