atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

I never thought I could open my own business so quickly. I am excited for the future. Hala, Disability Employment Services Client, NSW.

Disability Employment Services client, Hala, entered the atWork Australia doors doubtful of the journey ahead. But in time, she would be grateful for walking through those doors in Chester Hill, NSW.

From the moment she met, Job Coach, Melissa, she knew that this was different, they connected instantly. She felt comfortable and understood, so she opened up about her past, whilst also sharing what she wants her future to look like.

It was within this conversation that she shared her love for herbs and making her own, often sharing them with her family and friends. Melissa could see the passion in her eyes and knew this was something that she would try to emulate within her future employment.

Hala’s family and friends have suggested her starting her own herb business, which is a hobby of hers. She was hesitant to do so on her own, and the timing never aligned. Melissa thought this was a brilliant idea too, so, she talked with Hala on her current thoughts on this.

She remained hesitant but was open to discussing how we will be able to assist her on starting a business, if that was what she would want to do in the future.

“I shared all the simple steps about the process to Hala for self-employment to further motivate and support her during this process and the benefits she would receive from our service if she chooses to go ahead with this option,” said Melissa.

It took a lot of reassurance, but, when she next attended the office, she mentioned that she was ready to take the leap. “I can’t wait”, she declared when presenting Melissa with her tax-file number.

By the end of the appointment, she had an Australian Business Number, and the pair were discussing ways in which they could start advertising and getting the word out about her business. This includes creating a logo and uniform.

Melissa is happy to report that Hala has received many clients through word of mouth, prior to officially opening her business. She cannot wait to officially open, and to start sharing samples within the community.

atWork Australia is so proud of Hala’s transformation; she entered the office doubtful, but now she is happy, confident, and living her dream.

“I previously struggled with other employment agencies but Melissa from atWork Australia is amazing! I never thought I could open my own business so quickly. Melissa was passionate, kind and extremely understanding. I am excited for the future.” – Hala, atWork Australia client.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Hala, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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