atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

Jackalyn had been caring for a family member for most of her adult life.

When she started as a Workforce Australia client with atWork Australia’s Daveron Park office in South Australia, she had little work experience. She was also living with anxiety and depression.

Jackalyn met Job Coach, India, who referred her into our Jobs Now program. Being out of the workforce for a long time, Jackalyn needed support to write her resume and learn the latest ways to job search.

Jobs Now provided Jacaklyn with the skills she needed to begin her job search.

Together, India and Jackalyn, talked about her transferrable skills from her caring role, and what kinds of industries she might like to work in. They looked at cleaning and kitchen work to begin with.

While India looked for suitable employers, Jackalyn was supported to complete a First Aid Certificate and to purchase interview clothes.

They practised interview techniques and when Jackalyn landed an interview, she found herself successful in a cleaning role.

She quickly realised the work wasn’t for her, so they pivoted to looking for kitchen work.

Jackalyn started as a Kitchen Hand soon after and found the role much more enjoyable and suitable to her needs and goals.

“After landing a role she enjoys, Jackalyn has more self-belief and motivation to continue working,” said India.

“It is helping her to gain a work history and skills which will set her up for long term sustainable employment.”

atWork Australia looks forward to continuing to help upskill and work with Jackalyn as she reaches new milestones in her employment journey.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jackalyn, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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