atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Client smiles brightly in front of the atWork Australia logo. Quote reads "To me work is like seeing a rainbow each day. Hearing people from the offices being grateful for the job that I do means a lot, said Jacqueline.

South American single mother, Jacqueline, has raised successful children who are independent and call Australia home. After 30 years of a happy marriage Jacqueline’s life took a drastic turn as her husband divorced her and moved overseas with another woman. This left Jacqueline completely devastated and led her to spiral into severe depression. Following this painful separation, tragedy struck with the passing of several close family members in a very short period of time.

Living with mental health conditions after these events, and a physical condition, Jacqueline was partnered with atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Services in Narre Warren, Victoria, for support to find work.

Despite language barriers, her recent grief, and little support, Jacqueline continued to attend her appointments and work with her Job Coach, Suzie.

Suzie learnt that Jacqueline had a fear of returning to work, and of driving more than a few minutes away from her home.

Together, Suzie and Jacqueline practiced interview techniques and did mock interviews. Jacqueline attended our Jobs Now program in a group setting to support her confidence. They spoke positively about what life could look like with work to help Jacqueline overcome her fears.

Suzie called a local employer to advocate for Jacqueline and she landed a role in a nearby suburb. With her growing self-belief and determination, she felt she could drive the extra distance to get to work. Jacqueline was then supported by Melissa from atWork Australia’s In-Work Support team.

Also a Spanish speaker, Melissa was able to support Jacqueline and assist her on how to address challenges she faces in her employment.

Melissa supports Jacqueline by having frequent contact and making her feel comfortable, reaching out for help when needed.

Once Jacqueline really knew and trusted that Suzie and Melissa genuinely were there to fully support her into work, and then sustain her in that role, Jacqueline became more positive, smiled more, spoke more, and started to excel in her work. She is even known to be singing Latino songs and dancing while she works sometimes.

“It has helped me a lot as I can now communicate with people a lot better. Prior to working I did not want anything from anyone or from the world,” said Jacqueline.

“What stands out the most was the attention atWork Australia gave me. The way they truly care for what I needed. It helped me to be happy and live again.”

“Once I started working with Suzie and she found me this role, everything started to change. Having Melissa’s support during my employment has been a blessing as I know I can go to her if I ever need support.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jacqueline, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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