atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

Quite often if a person has a poor attitude or a negative thinking pattern, it makes it difficult to overcome personal barriers to secure employment. However, with the support of atWork Australia, Jalal has done just that. He has transformed his negative thinking patterns into positive ones. He is now prepared to put his best foot forward as he searches for employment.

When Jalal came to atWork Australia’s Lakemba, NSW, office to get support from the Workforce Australia team, he was experiencing financial stress; this impacted on his confidence and ability to find suitable employment. Jalal was introduced to his Job Coach, Mehdi, and shared that he was finding it challenging to manage his financial stresses and that he was interested in learning how to better manage his personal finances.

Mehdi new of the perfect opportunity for Jalal and referred him to atWork Australia’s Money Minded program. Money Minded is a financial education program delivered by accredited Money Minded coaches. It builds knowledge, confidence and skills to help you make informed decisions and manage your money to reduce financial stressors and barriers to employment.

The activity supports improved confidence and decision making by engaging in topics including; understanding financial priorities, setting SMART financial goals, creating and managing budgets, developing networks, understanding credit, loans and debt, and accessing financial counselling.

Jalal began attending the program and was fully engaged with all the activities. Jalal was enjoying the training and reaping the rewards for his efforts. Jalal, said, “The program has helped me to make informed decisions. It has helped to reduce my financial stress and barriers to employment.”

Jalal’s Job Coach, Mehdi, said, “Jalal has come along way on his journey with atWork Australia. He continues to build his confidence and is gradually developing a more positive mindset.”

Jalal was very appreciative for the support he has received from his Job Coach and the team at atWork Australia. Now he has a better understanding of how to manage his finances and has achieved financial stability. He is motivated to continue on his employment journey with a positive attitude.

“Jalal was well engaged with his activity, his confidence in his ability to manage his finances continues to grow,” said Mehdi

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jalal, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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