atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

We understand that mental health concerns directly impact on the way we function with even the most basic tasks.

atWork Australia Wonthaggi client James has fought to overcome the challenges that come with his mental health condition, which have been intensified by tough life circumstances.  This resulted in job commitment concerns where he would only sustain employment for short periods of time.

The combination of these challenges caused James’ confidence to progressively decrease, where at the same time, it would amplify his anxiety when on the job. The pattern of James being in and out of work continued over a prolonged period despite James’ obvious efforts to ‘get back on the horse’ and try again.

Job Coach Stephanie remained in frequent communication with James and assisted him at every turn. She created a resume, purchased boots and clothing and advocated James to potential employers on his behalf, to kickstart his career.

After being offered a position at a local restaurant, Stephanie remarked, “James was so excited when he had found out he received the job with our local employer and was so enthusiastic and driven to start.”

Job Coach Stephanie said, “I couldn’t be prouder of the way James continues to try to improve himself and his future. James is constantly looking to improve his health and his work ethic to help lead him into a better life.”

James said, “I feel good and working gives me the confidence I didn’t know I had. I’ve never kept a job this long and am very proud of my progress.”

Job Coach Stephanie also reiterated the importance of a work-life balance and to keep his physical and mental wellbeing at the top of his priorities. This would ensure that James would become the best version of himself so he could give it his all when on the job.

Stephanie said, “From my time being James’ Job Coach, James has always been a delight to deal with. James appeared nervous about looking for work and wasn’t sure if he was ready. When James found out he got the job, he threw himself into it wholeheartedly. When James is having a poor mental health episode, he is open and honest with us and his employer which allows us to assist James in seeking and receiving help, and to manage his workload”.

James has always been thankful for the assistance offered by the atWork Australia team.

atWork Australia helps thousands of people just like James every year to find their way into meaningful work and life, let us help you too. Call us today on 1300 080 856  or enquire online

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