atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good News from atWork Australia 'Since securing employment, Jayden’s confidence and self-belief has begun to grow' said his Job Coach Ashlee.

At 22 years old, Workforce Australia client, Jayden, had limited work experience, and no qualifications. He had been unemployed for over a year, leaving him with unstable accommodation.

He also did not have a driver’s licence and relied on friends or public WIFI to access the internet. Together, these made job searching difficult for Jayen.

When he started working with his Job Coach, Ashlee, at the Invermay atWork Australia office in Tasmania, he shared that his lack of daily routine was significantly impacting his mental health as well.

Ashlee was flexible with Jayden’s appointments, understanding that he relied on lifts to attend. She supported him by providing vouchers for essential items, such as food.

atWork Australia also paid for Jayden to participate in Driving Lessons through local school Ls2Ps, so he could build up his hours for his licence.

“When I first met Jayden, he was really reserved and quiet,” said Ashlee.

“But as I worked with him, and got to know him, he began to openly communicate about his challenges and his wins.”

Together they worked to identify Jayden’s goals. His long-term goal to find secure housing, and as part of achieving that goal, Jayden needed to find employment.

Ashlee then referred Jayden to the Mental Health Homeless Outreach Program in Tasmania so they could also support him with accommodation.

atWork Australia supported Jayden to land a role as a meat works labourer, a role he had wanted for a while, so he was really excited for the opportunity.

The team helped him to purchase work clothing including boots for his new role.

Jayden’s next goal is to gain his driver’s licence to open up greater employment possibilities, and then he hopes to meet his long-term goal of a stable home.

The atWork Australia team looks forward to continuing to support him and to celebrate with him as he reaches his goals.

“Since securing employment, Jayden’s confidence and self-belief has begun to grow,” said Ashlee.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jayden expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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