atWork Australia

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Western Australia client John stands with atWork Australia Job Coach Cheryl. Quote reads "I can't thank Cheryl enough for helping me gain employment," said John.

John, from Meadow Springs, Mandurah, owned his own transport business before his back issues and the COVID pandemic meant he would have to sell his company. The 60-year-old had been unemployed for a substantial amount of time and felt he was getting nowhere with his job applications.

Feeling disheartened and that his age was a barrier to finding employment, John also thought he lacked the transferable skills to find new employment, something that was contributing to his lack of confidence.

To support his search for a new career, John approached atWork Australia’s Mandurah office and was referred to Job Coach Cheryl. The pair hit it off straight away, and Cheryl got to work supporting John any way she could.

The duo worked on his resumé and interview skills. Cheryl also sat down with John and completed a vocational planning session to find out what John’s employment goals were and what he felt was suitable employment. They soon identified that John would suit a job in security, a prospect which made him very excited.

Cheryl enrolled John in a Security Certificate II, something which he “thoroughly enjoyed”. Through the course, John gained new skills and felt that his new career choice would bring with it plenty of opportunities in an industry that suited his health condition and benefitted his mental health.

It didn’t take long for John to secure a job interview with SureGuard Security. He was over the moon when he found out about the interview, and he couldn’t thank Cheryl enough for helping him get this far.

Cheryl liaised with John right up until the interview and called him afterwards to see how it went. Cheryl was thrilled to hear it had gone well and that John felt right at home. Shortly after the interview, the employer called Cheryl to tell her that John was being offered the job and how he thought he was a “great guy”.

Since joining SureGuard in July 2022, John has gone from strength to strength. He has been in regular contact with Cheryl since starting work, and he often expresses how happy he is in his new role.

He says he is “grateful” to be given such a supportive and caring person to help him find meaningful employment.

John says, “I can’t thank Cheryl enough for helping me gain employment. She was so supportive, and that made a real difference to my confidence. I want to thank the whole team at atWork Australia for the positive difference they’ve made in my life.”

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like John expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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