atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia

Disability Employment Services client, Jondelar, entered the atWork Australia Wollongong, NSW, office ready to progress on his journey to employment.

He expressed to his Job Coach, Gabrielle, he was living with mental health conditions but was feeling ready to return to employment.

Gabrielle worked with Jondelar to support him to reach his employment goals.

“Having been out of work for a number of years, Jondelar needed a boost in confidence to see his skills and capacity, as well as what strengths we could tap into for his new vision for himself and his career,” said Gabrielle.

Jondelar then met with the employer engagement team who interviewed him in a strengths-based style. He was then referred to a suitable role that was the right fit for him.

Jondelar was introduced to his In-Work Support Coach, Chloe, who worked with Gabrielle to support him during his first few weeks in his new role.

Upon starting his new role, Jondelar experienced a non-work-related injury, putting his new position at risk.

The atWork Australia team jumped into action, providing support and intervention with his new employer to retain his new role.

During this time, Jondelar and his employer both felt supported, and he was able to return to the role as soon as he could.

“The support Chloe and Gabi have given me in my first few weeks getting back to work I describe as “ride or die” style,” said Jondelar.

“I can tell them what I am struggling with, and they get straight back to me without judgement. They talk through what is going on and put plans in place so I can succeed at work. I know they have my back,” said Jondelar.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients, like Jondelar, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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