atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia

Joshua came to atWork Australia with a successful employment history, after spending many years working in the trades industry. However, due to Joshua’s health barriers, the time was approaching where he needed to put his tools down. Joshua lives with Crohn’s disease and his symptoms were beginning to impact on his ability to perform his job. Unfortunately, Joshua made the tough decision that it was time to pursue a different career path. Joshua began searching for support and that’s when he reached out to atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Service team in , NSW, to get tailored support on his employment journey.

When Joshua first came to atWork Australia he was introduce to his Job Coach, Gabrielle. Joshua explained that his skills and experience were related to his trade background and needed support to shift his career path. Gabrielle explained that they would start by taking small steps to developing his skills and planning a pathway to a new career to ensure he could still achieve his long-term employment goals. They began working on Joshua’s interview skills and building his confidence in his ability to find suitable employment.

Gabrielle has been very impressed with Joshua’s commitment and dedication to find a new career path. Gabrielle said, “Joshua has gained a real confidence and speaks very confidently. It has been great seeing his optimism, matched with his hard work and genuine investment in the activities we included in his Job Plan.”

With the support of atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement team, Joshua soon secured a new position as a Business Administration Officer. Joshua has done an incredible job to overcome his barries and build his confidence to take on this position in a new industry.

Joshua stated his professional relationship with his Job Coach, Gabrielle, made him feel more confident to make a career shift that would be meaningful for him. This new opportunity has assisted Joshua to feel more secure with stable housing and be able to contribute to his family’s living expenses.

Joshua is thriving in his new role and is working towards achieving his long-term career goals. Joshua’s employer has been impressed with his performance and is looking at providing additional training to support him to progress into a leadership position.

atWork Australia have enjoyed supporting Joshua on his journey and look forward to watching him progress in his career.

“My Job Coach has supported my self-belief and aspirations for a career change, despite knowing the extent of my barriers and circumstances. Working alongside Gabrielle each week has built my confidence that I was going to find meaningful work that I would enjoy. She believed I could do it and advocated for me,” said  Joshua.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Joshua, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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