atWork Australia

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Good News from atWork Australia. Quote reads Julie is now making new friends, something she hasn’t done in a long time, said Job Coach Anna

Workforce Australia client Julie* has been looking for work for almost a year.

In that time her confidence had dropped. She was also experiencing some hardships within her family relationships, which was also impacting her confidence when it came to returning to work.

Julie was connected to Job Coach, Anna, at the atWork Australia office in Ravenswood, TAS for support.

Anna referred Julie to our internal Wellness Services. This team provide a variety of confidential, client focused support services to help improve the management of overall health and wellbeing as clients navigate their journey towards employment.

At Julie’s appointment, she was discussing with Anna the most recent jobs she had applied for.

One of those roles was with an employer that Anna already had an established relationship with. Anna jumped on the phone right away to let the employer know that Julie was a client of ours, and we were able to support them with a wage subsidy should they employ Julie.

After learning more about Julie, the employer was interested in interviewing her for a job opportunity they currently had.

As Anna knew the employer well, she was able to support Julie to prepare for the interview with and understanding of what the employer was looking for.

Julie was later successful in her interview. Anna and the atWork Australia team supported Julie to purchase the work-related clothing she needed to excel in her new position.

Anna has now supported Julie through her first few weeks of employment at her new job. Julie is thankful for all of the support she has received.

“When I met Julie, she was very quiet and withdrawn,” said Anna.

“Since working with us and being in work she now feels confident in herself.”

“She is more financially stable which she says has made a huge difference in her life.”

“Julie is now making new friends, something she hasn’t done in a long time.”

atWork Australia will continue to support Julie as she moves into the In-Work Support phase of her employment journey.

*The clients name has been changed to protect their privacy.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Julie expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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