atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Jennifer said, "If you had told me I would be in this place a year ago, I wouldn't have believed you."

For the past twelve months, Jennifer has been unemployed due to her health barriers. Jennifer lives with a mental health condition; she has experienced addiction in the past and has now been completing a rehabilitation program. Jennifer’s journey over the past twelve months is truly inspiring; she has worked incredibly hard to overcome her barriers to find employment. Jennifer is amazed by what she has achieved and where she has come from.

Twelve months ago, Jennifer was homeless, unemployed and receiving very little support. When Jennifer came to atWork Australia’s Richmond office in South Australia to get support from the Workforce Australia team, she was not aware of the range of support available to her and the significant impact it would have on her life.

When Jennifer first met her Job Coach, Mikayla, they discussed how atWork Australia could support Jennifer to overcome her barriers and develop a pathway towards employment. Mikayla quickly put a range of supports in place, including referring Jennifer to atWork Australia’s wellness services, self-employment assistance programs, career counselling and external counselling services.

The broad range of support allowed Jennifer to build her confidence and gain the courage to set goals outside of her comfort zone. Jennifer decided she wanted to follow her passion and set herself a goal to find employment in the fitness industry. In a short amount of time, Jennifer consistently worked on improving herself and overcoming her barriers to secure an opportunity as a Fitness Instructor. This new opportunity allows her to express her love and passion for fitness and meeting new people. Jennifer is very excited about her new opportunity. Jennifer said, “The support I have received has been great. I had someone who was willing to hear me out and help develop a game plan so I could achieve my goals.” Jennifer’s Job Coach, Mikayla, said, “Jennifer has made incredible progress in such a short amount of time, she is an inspiration to others and shows what can be achieved with hard work.”

atWork Australia is pleased to see Jennifer thriving in both work and life, it has been a pleasure supporting her on this journey. Mikayla continued, “Working with Jennifer has been a rewarding and incredible experience. Her positive energy radiated the second she walked through the door. Jennifer’s can-do attitude demonstrated how many new doors can open with a positive attitude.”

When we asked Jennifer what her advice would be to others in similar situations, her response was simple. “Just do it,” said Jennifer.

“Wow, I can’t put this into words. I am genuinely amazed with how content I am with my life at the moment. If you had told me I would be in this place a year ago, I wouldn’t have believed you, as I was homeless this time last year. It is amazing what can be achieved with some self-belief, support and consistently putting one foot in front of the other,” said Jennifer.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Jennifer, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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