atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Karen* (24), is living with mental health conditions, substance abuse and was unemployed. She was experiencing difficulties with motivation, and this impacted her ability to secure employment.

Karen reached out to the MBC and atWork Australia office in Warrawong, NSW, where she met Employment Consultant Densey. Densey worked with Karen to break down barriers and allow Karen to explore her motivated self; reiterating that she was always capable and just needed to find the right direction.

Within six months of joining an Employment Service Provider, Densey assisted Karen with brining out positivity through encouraging her to manage her mental health and upskill.

Further, Employment Consultant Densey assured Karen that she will always be there to help. She was referred to Employment and Life counselling and an internship to gain skills. Karen received funding for interview clothing/transport and assistance with housing and medical resources.

Employer Engagement Consultant Steph, worked closely with Densey, to secure a PaTH internship for Karen. This enabled her to gain skills and work in a team.

Karen’s journey involved being coached and mentored so she can be motivated to secure employment, and she was supported when transitioning into work. The team were there with her, every step of the way.

With the assistance of Densey and Steph, Karen was able to secure an Assembler role. Employer Engagement Consultant Steph collaborated with the employer to secure a position for Karen.

When Densey told Karen the good news she: “was very happy to hear that she was given a chance to work. She was thankful to MBC, atWork Australia and Densey, for their services and support.

Densey says: “I am very grateful for assisting, by applying my work experience and personal experiences to Karen’s client approach. This allowed us to break down her barriers over time and Karen found a sense of comfort.

Encouragement and persistence drove Karen to be confident with her motivation towards finding and securing employment.”

*Name has been changed to due to privacy reasons.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Karen expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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