atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Kirsty stands in yellow high vis next to Rose. Quote reads “Kirsty has thanked the atWork Australia team for believing in her and assisting her to find employment that adds so much value to being a parent and works around being a mother.”– Rose, Job Coach, atWork Australia

Workforce Australia client, Kirsty is the primary caregiver for her children. She was looking for flexible hours that would work around her caring responsibilities and thought self-employment was the best option.

However, she realised that self-employment was not a great fit for her circumstances. She was working inconsistent hours, and the pressures of running a business was clashing with her caring responsibilities.

When she met with Job Coach, Rose, at the Clarkson atWork Australia office in Western Australia, she could not see that any employer could offer her the flexibility she needed. She continued to persevere with self-employment even though it was not working for her in this moment of her life.

“Kirsty lacked confidence she would be able to do much else, even though it was not working for her in this moment. It was only adding stress she did not need,” said Rose.

Rose referred Kirsty to Employer Engagement Consultant, Jess.

Jess has a good relationship with a local business and knew they would have part time hours that worked within Kirsty’s needs.

She was referred to the position and has now commenced secure ongoing employment with them.

“Kirsty was so excited when she found out she was successful with the position,” said Rose.

“Kirsty has thanked the atWork Australia team for believing in her and assisting her to find employment that adds so much value to being a parent and works around being a mother,” said Rose, Job Coach, atWork Australia.

“After many failed job applications, it knocked my confidence, and I was battling anxiety,” said Kristy.

“atWork Australia helped me realise I could combine my passion and interests into employment. I am grateful for their direction and support.”

Kirsty has been a pleasure to work with, and it has been a pleasure to assist her in her journey from self-employment to secure and stable role, that suits her needs.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Kirsty, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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