atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

64-year-old Disability Employment Services client, Lee*, was feeling down and unmotivated. He didn’t want to speak to anyone.

He met Job Coach, Jaswin, at the atWork Australia office in Hurstville, NSW, feeling like he had no hope of working again.

“When I met Lee, he was at a pretty low point in his life,” said Jaswin.

Lee was living with depression. He was living with cancer and Ischaemic heart disease, and coupled with his age, he didn’t believe an employer would give him a chance.

“Lee had approached a few employers but had been turned down for work. He was feeling low and needed someone to talk to,” said Jaswin.

While Lee was getting professional help for his depression, Jaswin also started calling Lee to help encourage him and motivate him.

“I use to sometimes talk with Lee for hours to motivate him. After a few weeks, he was feeling more confident and motivated to start looking at work again,” said Jaswin.

“I started advocating for Lee to supportive employers who would give him a chance and work within his barriers.”

Soon, Lee landed a role as Trolley Collector which suited him as he could do it as his own pace, and it kept him active.

Lee was really pleased with his new role and was grateful for the service from atWork Australia.

“Jaswin you are the best Job Coach I could find. I feel so confident now. My life has changed. I thought I wouldn’t survive due to my health issues, but you gave me hope, confidence and motivation. Bless you,” said Lee.

“Lee has a great attitude towards work and we are proud of his achievement,” said Jaswin.

*Name changed for privacy

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Lee, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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