atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia has been my backbone in my employment journey and Ashor has been a brother to me. He has always supported my every step. Maher, Disability Employment Services Client, NSW.

In 2017, Maher arrived in Australia. Ever since then he has been searching for a position to suit his needs, but because of his language barrier, his was left feeling defeated. However, this was not for long.

Upon entering the atWork Australia office in Fairfield, New South Wales, he was met by fellow Assyrian, his Job Coach, Ashor. They instantly connected and Maher was at ease.

In their first appointment together, Maher shared his story, goals, history and skills, both inside and outside of the workplace. Later this information would be used to form a tailored job plan to get Maher where he wants to be – in employment.

Maher also expressed his frustrations with finding employment in Australia and how he was afraid that employers would be unable to understand and communicate with him. Ashor knew exactly how he felt, as once upon a time, this was him. The pair bonded on this, which only assisted Maher on his journey.

On this next phase of his journey, Ashor and Maher spent time creating and perfecting a resume and cover letter to impress potential employers.

Once Maher was comfortable and ready, the job hunt began. After multiple discussions on potential vacancies, Maher, found a vacancy as a general hand with a local employer. Maher was overjoyed as this position seemed to be perfectly catered to him – light duties, suitable hours, and an Assryian boss.

After contacting and negotiating with the employer, Maher was offered the part-time position; he was overcome with joy.

In order to ensure that Maher continued to put his best foot forward, Ashor financially supported him to purchase his work uniform and provided petrol vouchers.

Maher is eternally grateful for, not only atWork Australia’s support on his journey, but also introducing him to Ashor. He states,

“atWork Australia has been my backbone in my employment journey and Ashor has been a brother to me. He has always supported my every step.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients, like Maher, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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