atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Mally sits in his yellow high visibility shirt. Quote reads "Mally was blown away with the level of support he received from the atWork Australia team." said Jacqui his Indigenous Connections mentor.

Workforce Australia client, Mally, had recently been released from prison. He was motivated and ready to find work, which was a crucial step in his plan to change his circumstances and reach his personal goals.

At the Mirrabooka, WA, atWork Australia office, Mally met his Job Coach and was also introduced to Jacqui, his Indigenous Connections Mentor.

“I suggested Mally attend my Jobs for the Mob session that was upcoming. It would help him learn how to gain ID, and a tax file number while learning about the current landscape of work,” said Jacqui.

“We also connect with local Indigenous employers and talked about how employment connects you with community and your mob.”

“Mally was thrilled we offered a specific Indigenous program.”

Mally had a dream of working fly-in, fly-out work, often referred to as FIFO. So, employer engagement team member, Nick, organised for Mally to attend an interview and information session with a local FIFO employer.

“In the meantime, Mally’s confidence was very high, so he sourced his own employment with a local company building pallets until his dream job of FIFO work panned out,” said Jacqui.

“All throughout this, Mally has had to source his own travel arrangements, sometimes taking 90 minutes to get to work. atWork Australia provided him with smart riders clothes and food vouchers to support him.”

“Mally was blown away with the level of support he received from the atWork Australia team.”

At the moment, Mally is even closer to achieving his dream, something the local team is very proud of.

“He is currently attending an induction program and should be flying out next week.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Mally, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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