atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Mark has done a complete 180 in his attitude and motivation towards employment. Siah, atWork Australia Job Coach, TAS.

When Mark came to atWork Australia’s Invermay office in Tasmania to get support from the Workforce Australia team, he had been unemployed for more than 10 years. At this point in time, Mark was managing a serious health condition. Mark was introduced to his Job Coach, Siah, and he explained he was currently undergoing cancer treatment and, due to an accident at a previous workplace, he had a negative attitude towards employment.

Siah listened to Mark and assured him that atWork Australia were here to help and would not push him back into work. Over time, by conducting regular appointments, Siah worked with Mark to develop a more positive outlook towards employment. As a result of Siah’s support and encouragement, Mark’s views and attitude towards employment began to change. Mark had now built his confidence to a point where he was willing to return to the workplace.

During this time, Mark had gained full custody of a foster child, which provided additional motivation for him to return to work, as he wanted to be a good role model and provide for his foster child.

Mark’s motivation towards employment has completely changed, and with the support of atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Shaun, the team began searching for suitable employment opportunities. Soon enough, Mark secured a laborers position with Weeding Hire.

In preparation to start work, atWork Australia were able to provide funding to purchase new work clothing. Mark has now been in his new employment for four weeks and there has been nothing but positive feedback from his employer.

atWork Australia will continue to support Mark through out his employment journey. Mark’s Job Coach, Siah, is now assisting him to obtain his HC truck licence, so he can pick up additional hours and provide more value to his employer.

Mark is incredibly happy with his new job and is now able to independently support his household.

Mark has done a complete 180 in his attitude and motivation towards employment” Siah, atWork Australia Job Coach

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients, like Mark, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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