atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Quote reads "To be able to help someone change their life for the better is what I enjoy most about being a Job Coach," said Brad, Job Coach Victoria

Melisa became a mother at the age of 17 and went on to have six beautiful children. At 46, she started her first role in paid employment.

Melisa lives with heel spurs, depression, and anxiety. She has low confidence, low motivation and mood, and nervousness.

Over the years, Melisa had completed a few education courses including a Certificate ll in Retail, Business and Community Services and a Certificate lll in Aged Care, Disability, Home and Community care.

She lacked direction and clear goals on where she wanted to work. She then started working with Job Coach Brad from atWork Australia in Shepparton.

Brad helped build Melisa’s confidence and helped her create a resume which was something she didn’t think she could do with little experience.

“Starting to apply for work, at this age, and with little experience is really daunting,” said Melisa.

Brad helped Melisa add her skills to her resume. She had been looking after and caring for children for years, so had great organisation skills and work ethic.

Brad encouraged Melisa to apply for a variety of roles including admin, retail, cleaning, and hospitality so she could learn more about them and find her best fit.

As she started being called in for interviews her confidence began to grow.

“Melisa’s anxiety can prevent her from opening up to new people. It took a while to build up her confidence but as it did, her desire to enter the workforce increased,” said Brad.

Melisa landed a job on her third interview. She was excited and nervous when she found out she got the job. But proud of herself for following through.

“Melisa said she hadn’t really had anyone believe in her before and this gave her confidence to want to do better.”

“To be able to help someone change their life for the better is what I enjoy most about being a Job Coach.”

“Melisa is a completely changed person compared to the person I first met. To see her come into the office in her work uniform proudly is such an awesome feeling. I am very happy for her,” said Brad.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Melisa expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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