atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Michael, said, "Shannon has 100% proven to me the benefit of such an agency."

When Michael came to atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Services office in Moe, Victoria, he had been unemployed for ten years and could not imagine himself ever returning to work. His self-belief was at an all time low. Fast forward 12 months and Michael can’t believe the things he is doing and where he is at in his life.

When Michael first met his Job Coach, Shannon, he was open and honest about his barriers to employment. He shared he had a limited employment history, physical limitations, and he experienced chronic pain. In addition to his health barriers, Michael did not have his driver’s licence which further limited his employment opportunities.

Michael admitted his motivation towards employment was low, as for the past ten years he feels he has received rejection after rejection. Shannon listened to Michael and acknowledged the challenges he had been facing, while assuring him that atWork Australia were here to support him and prepare him for a successful return to the workplace.

Over the next 12 months, Michael and Shannon worked together to boost his confidence and motivation towards returning to work. Michael had previously worked as a Liquor Store Assistant and expressed interest in returning to this industry.

Shannon supported Michael to refresh his Responsible Serving of Alcohol certificate and then the pair began searching for suitable opportunities.

Soon enough, Michael was successful in securing a position as a Liquor Store Assistant. Michael has recently celebrated his six-month milestone in his new employment and is loving every minute.

This employment opportunity has given Michael a new lease on life, he is now able to do things that were previously not possible, such as traveling overseas.

Michael is incredibly grateful for the support he has received from Shannon. Michael said, “Shannon has 100% proven to me the benefit of such an agency. After one year of being under their care, I have recently been employed after ten years of what only ever felt like shameful rejection due to my injuries. I believe Shannon is the best of the best and I’ll be forever in her debt.”

Michael continues to achieve his professional and personal goals. His Job Coach, Shannon, said, “Michael has proven that working hard towards what you want, can and will pay off.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Michael expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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